From now on its safer walking with the opposite gender because people will not doubt your sexuality! I heard people saying this on the evening of June 2, 2009 when the section 377 was read down to decriminalise same sex behaviour among consenting adults in a historic judgement by the High Court of Delhi.
I wonder if this order was made to announce whether you are straight or not..
the motive of this order was something else... Duh!
I don't understand what and how is this order gonna affect a common person like you and me. Even after the High court orders, the sun and moon are still in the sky, you and me walking on the streets and birds are still flying in the air leading their same old life. Of course those who actually fought for this and are not a man and woman must be celebrating their IDENTITY. So what.
Just flipping the channels today, I saw that so called "Baba Ramdev" will be appealing against this decriminalising gay rights. I wonder what draws a baba's interest into this. I guess his asanas and his pravachans are not getting him enough publicity these days.
Each day we do find these people(the other sex) begging near signals and trains demanding money and when you refuse they blurt out curses. But somewhere in the bottom of the heart I am sure all of us would feel sorry at them and even discuss that they have no other option, but beg and give away some chillars expecting some blessings in return. Aren't you happy, after this order, their number in the signals might come down?
If this order helps them gain an identity, acceptability and a freedom to live their own life, convinced that they will not be termed as criminals, then how does it spoil or any way affect our society!
I am sure many senior citizens are against this, considering it as something vulgar, but end of the day its not about choosing their sexuality, but being and living with it.!!
Its not easy to put ourselves in their shoes, but soooo many people who call themselves belonging to the other sex cannot be wrong.
Its high time people accept the change and live their own life and the "Bam Bam bole Babas" need a lil more asanas to widen their vision and think beyond mantras and asanas. For their kind information, even our epics have characters from other gender!!!